Friday, April 3, 2009

Ryan Brazell on Moodle

Ryan Brazell on Moodle
UCSF Migration from WebCT 4 to Moodle 193 (soon 1.9.4)
12 minute discussion--then open questions.
Hosted by RemoteLearner

Class eval by peers
multi-choice questions with images.
Adaptive mode--get feedback before 'final answer'.
Multi-language capability--user, course or system level
Glossary--instructor or student created. Creates in-system one-click
MP3 embeds.
YouTUbe embeds
Test Audio Dropbox from Clear @ UMich.
End of canned presentation:
Now to the questions.
Weekly outline vs. topic layout... Automatically puts dates on the week: BUT using the topic format
Embed command from you tube--compose a text page and then tell it it's HTML and not text. Seems to keep formatting better. RealMedia doesn't play well with Moodle.
WebCT transition to Moodle: FTP transfer, then link to the PDF.
Sakai transition questions--no experience.
Groups in 1.9.3? Should improve with v.2 and Groupings (groups of groups)
Difficult to set up. Create enrollment keys or with auto enrollment...
Modules? Layout options?
Banners for courses.
Books--module to group content.
TOC, Hardlinks, Database module has soft links,
How does it talk to Latec for math tools. See moodle for
HotPotatoes is built into Moodle!
Respondus moved quizzes from WebCT into Moodle. is moodle host @ no charge.
Etudes like Quia.
Built in Wiki vs OpenU version. OpenU Wiki is much better!
Blog is user specific! So no blog is associated with the course. Journal type tool. Forums are closest tool. Suggest using WordPress.
RSS is limited.
Gradebook will improve with 1.9.5
Attach file to discussion forum post...
Recommend 'force download' on all PDFs for best cross-browser consistency.
Use most recent version of Acrobat Reader for Firefox.
Checkout 'Workshop' tool... for SLOAN-C and Moodle Moot June 17 in SFO

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