Friday, October 26, 2007

#3. David Malinowski

Mapping Culture for the Foreign Language Class: An inquiry into the Role of the Geo-Interface, David Malinowski, Berkeley

maps and human relationships
how does learning work with interactions?
38M of 47M population in SoKr have broadband
online gaming
digital cities
"we're not going to change our cultures even though we're connected by http...."
But we're communicating all the time, etc....
Uses signature "This or This" and Ameri-centric vs Pac-centric interp.
See O'Reilly 2005 definitions of Web2.0
See lazy sunday on youtube--yahoo, google,mapquest maps debate
flickr 1,700 geo-tagged 'stanford' tagged
facebook--where i've been

liebhold 2007 how to tie events to cyberspace
[**Is this part of the Google cybercloud plan?]

langauge learning applications:
terrraclues: plant clues in various locations on maps--Ss search and learn
openU audio and phot0 blog by Ss in Santiago de Compostela, Spain

K-E forum:Culutre in Place
83 Ss., 230 posts, 2450 views
used PhpBBB forum and Flash slide shows
**who supplies the content?

  • foster awareness of cultural and social meanings indexed in multiple modes through public signs
  • develop fluencey
  • create context for motivation

all content in both langs
eg. keep off sign: vs. 'let's love the bushes'
look at photos: no trees anywhere... why are trees and bushes not differentiated in K?
berkeley area: 4 miles of korea town. signage there.
sahn maru. place below peak where you can rest.
info was very 1.x--but not web2.0!

enable learner generated content.
Placing the forums--how do we give it a place? Can we use google maps to navigate the forums--geo-tag the forums?
google maps of Seoul korea is blank. Use satellite image to get info, but no roads.
"Sites are too american" reflected by Korean Ss.
Doughty and Long: better to do task than read about it.
See Korean map for cultural detail: maps show subway exits! Not street names.
How do I personalize the maps? Non-national id holders can't mark up maps there!

What does it take to make a site that different cultures of use can interact/engage in?

Initial optoins for 'geospatial solutions:
  • embed multiple map APIs in existing website eg Google + Naver
  • keep phpbb frum separate while moving mapping to larger web communities
  • develop modular configurable interface and apps
Space place language
Kern, 2000: literacy as interpretive practice in FLE
6 design elements in meaning making

Anthropological approaches?

Cognitive linguistics and neo-linguistic relativity
does language pre-determine thought?

Kanno and Norton p 247--can we move outside of ourselfes?

What are our goals as teachers? How do technologies help us do this?

Finding 3rd places--able to step outside self? look @ target culture...

Synaesthesia--can we gain greater meaning when we merge modes?

new london group '96--4 pedagogical components
sit practice
overt instr
critical framing
transformed practice

what knowledges are being created and lost as we move across 'foreign cultures'?

what conventions go unquestioned as western technologies are adopted across the board?

what process of ID formation are implicit as learners?

1977 Foucault: if we understand society from prison POV, then we understand how power flows. judgement by what you did. not what you did, but what kind of person you were... prisoners were profiled, understood.
Is Facebook/Amazon doing this too?

evolved into heated discussion on advertising, scale, privacy, square tomatoes (loss of individuality and choice)...
is this new generation different? like to be expressive.
technology allows a medium for expression

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